Monday, February 22, 2010

Dinner with my Mentors

Tonight was a real treat. I was fortunate enough to see the people that have made my career what it is, stop and have a taste of the fruits of their labors. Bob Boze Bell, his lovely wife Kathy and daughter Dena (I’m sure that I spelled their names incorrectly) dropped by Cody's along with Don McClure, Bruce Jones and his also lovely wife Marisa and their son and my little buddy Peyton had dinner and drinks. I was responsible for all the recipes. For Bruce and Don they remember when I first wrote and then corrected those recipes. And Bob drew the first label for the Chili From Hell 24 year ago. This was the beginning of me being Mad Coyote Joe.

I tried the Rocky Point Shrimp Cocktail tonight and I remember first having it with Kathy, Katie and Joey 20 years ago; still that wonderful flavor.

The coffee is being roasted, by my son Joey, at fire Creek Coffee. It’s fantastic, what can I say he has his mother’s amazing palate.

Make sure and get out and try the food at Cody's in Cave Creek. You won't be disappointed.

Photo Daigneault
The set of The Sonoran Grill sits empty


  1. Thanks for the invitation tonight. It was great to see you and enjoy some great food at Cody's. I suspect that they are going to see our family there a little bit. Nice picture of the set BTW but you missed showing off the Command Center made of concrete!

  2. There was one recipe that you made and I have lost it...ut was butter with a pepper. Would love to have it again - still use your recipes and miss you on Sonoran Grill.
