Wednesday, May 26, 2010

back at it!

I got a call from my buddy Tony Schindler; he owns Patty’O’Furniture and is a major supporter of “A Taste of cave creek”. Tony was asking about a cooking gig and mentioned that I haven’t been writing on my blog.

Ouch! Writing is a odd mistress; she demands the best out of you and encourages the worst in you. She tells you, “It’s okay to wait another day to get this down.” But once the words start coming she demands that you clarify and expand until you find the best words for what you’re saying.

I’ve been getting infusions about once a week and they throw me off. And so I’ve let the blog slip.

Thanks Tony!

Tomorrow our Solar Panels will be turned on by APS, thus ending our $3600 a year power bill. If we produce a surplus of power, we will buy as our next car, an plug-in hybrid; thus producing our own automotive energy.

The folks over at South-face Solar electric did a fantastic job for us. If you’re looking for a Solar Contractor I’d give them a call. Tell them I sent you.

Old Vaquero saying; Never trust a limping dog or the tears of a woman!

And last but not least, I asked my good buddy Bill Wickham to write a song for me, due to is wonderful writing. He has finished "The Ballad of Mad Coyote Joe" I'm trying to get a link to his Facebook page.

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